

c program for threaded binary tree

// Insertion in Threaded Binary Search Tree. 
using namespace std; 
struct Node 
    struct Node *left, *right; 
    int info; 
    // True if left pointer points to predecessor 
    // in Inorder Traversal 
    bool lthread; 
    // True if right pointer points to predecessor 
    // in Inorder Traversal 
    bool rthread; 
// Insert a Node in Binary Threaded Tree 
struct Node *insert(struct Node *root, int ikey) 
    // Searching for a Node with given value 
    Node *ptr = root; 
    Node *par = NULL; // Parent of key to be inserted 
    while (ptr != NULL) 
        // If key already exists, return 
        if (ikey == (ptr->info)) 
            printf("Duplicate Key !
            return root; 
        par = ptr; // Update parent pointer 
        // Moving on left subtree. 
        if (ikey < ptr->info) 
            if (ptr -> lthread == false) 
                ptr = ptr -> left; 
        // Moving on right subtree. 
            if (ptr->rthread == false) 
                ptr = ptr -> right; 
    // Create a new node 
    Node *tmp = new Node; 
    tmp -> info = ikey; 
    tmp -> lthread = true; 
    tmp -> rthread = true; 
    if (par == NULL) 
        root = tmp; 
        tmp -> left = NULL; 
        tmp -> right = NULL; 
    else if (ikey < (par -> info)) 
        tmp -> left = par -> left; 
        tmp -> right = par; 
        par -> lthread = false; 
        par -> left = tmp; 
        tmp -> left = par; 
        tmp -> right = par -> right; 
        par -> rthread = false; 
        par -> right = tmp; 
    return root; 
// Returns inorder successor using rthread 
struct Node *inorderSuccessor(struct Node *ptr) 
    // If rthread is set, we can quickly find 
    if (ptr -> rthread == true) 
        return ptr->right; 
    // Else return leftmost child of right subtree 
    ptr = ptr -> right; 
    while (ptr -> lthread == false) 
        ptr = ptr -> left; 
    return ptr; 
// Printing the threaded tree 
void inorder(struct Node *root) 
    if (root == NULL) 
        printf("Tree is empty"); 
    // Reach leftmost node 
    struct Node *ptr = root; 
    while (ptr -> lthread == false) 
        ptr = ptr -> left; 
    // One by one print successors 
    while (ptr != NULL) 
        printf("%d ",ptr -> info); 
        ptr = inorderSuccessor(ptr); 
// Driver Program 
int main() 
    struct Node *root = NULL; 
    root = insert(root, 20); 
    root = insert(root, 10); 
    root = insert(root, 30); 
    root = insert(root, 5); 
    root = insert(root, 16); 
    root = insert(root, 14); 
    root = insert(root, 17); 
    root = insert(root, 13); 
    return 0; 

Code Example
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C :: print bool c 
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C :: malloc c include 
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C :: signed and unsigned in c 
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C :: atoi string to int 
Source link
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