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System.Drawing (system.drawing.dll)struct

This value type defines a rectangular region on a 2D surface using integers. Unlike the Win32 RECT structure, the Rectangle is defined in terms of the X and Y coordinate of its top-left point (also referred to as its Location), and its Width and Height (also referred to as its Size). These properties can be both read and modified. In addition, you can read values for the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom independently, and there is a static method, FromLTRB(), to allow you to construct a Rectangle from these values in interop/legacy situations.

As with Point, there is an equivalent RectangleF structure for real coordinates, and a set of members—Round(), Truncate(), and Ceiling()—to convert from the real to the integer representation. Comparison operators are also provided, along with an Empty field to allow you to represent a null rectangle. There is no intrinsic performance advantage in using the integer version, as the drawing methods are mostly implemented in terms of the floating point structure anyway (c.f. Point/PointF)

Methods are provided to test whether a rectangle Contains() a Point, and whether one rectangle IntersectsWith() another for hit testing.

You can also manipulate the rectangle itself in various ways. There is a static member, Union(), which returns the minimum containing rectangle of two rectangles. Then there is the member function, Intersect(), which modifies a Rectangle such that it represents the area of intersection between itself and the rectangle supplied as its parameter.

Finally, there are methods to Offset() the rectangle by a fixed amount, or Inflate() the rectangle. There are both static and non-static versions of Inflate() to return a new rectangle or modify the original, respectively. You can independently control the inflation in each dimension, and the value in question is subtracted from the Location and added to the Size, leading to an overall increase of twice the supplied value in each dimension.

public struct Rectangle {
// Public Constructors
   public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height);
   public Rectangle(Point location, Size size);
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly Rectangle Empty;  // = {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0}
// Public Instance Properties
   public int Bottom{get; }
   public int Height{set; get; }
   public bool IsEmpty{get; }
   public int Left{get; }
   public Point Location{set; get; }
   public int Right{get; }
   public Size Size{set; get; }
   public int Top{get; }
   public int Width{set; get; }
   public int X{set; get; }
   public int Y{set; get; }
// Public Static Methods
   public static Rectangle Ceiling(RectangleF value);
   public static Rectangle FromLTRB(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
   public static Rectangle Inflate(Rectangle rect, int x, int y);
   public static Rectangle Intersect(Rectangle a, Rectangle b);
   public static Rectangle Round(RectangleF value);
   public static Rectangle Truncate(RectangleF value);
   public static Rectangle Union(Rectangle a, Rectangle b);
   public static bool operator !=(Rectangle left, Rectangle right);
   public static bool operator ==(Rectangle left, Rectangle right);
// Public Instance Methods
   public bool Contains(int x, int y);
   public bool Contains(Point pt);
   public bool Contains(Rectangle rect);
   public override bool Equals(object obj);  // overrides ValueType
   public override int GetHashCode();  // overrides ValueType
   public void Inflate(int width, int height);
   public void Inflate(Size size);
   public void Intersect(Rectangle rect);
   public bool IntersectsWith(Rectangle rect);
   public void Offset(int x, int y);
   public void Offset(Point pos);
   public override string ToString();  // overrides ValueType


System.Object System.ValueType Rectangle

Returned By

Multiple types

Passed To

Multiple types

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