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System.Drawing.Imaging (system.drawing.dll)sealed class

This class encapsulates a parameter to pass to a GDI+ image-storage codec when saving an image using the Image.Save() method. This can give you control over a number of different aspects of the image storage process, as enumerated in the Encoder class.

You can determine the Encoder category defining the property that the parameter affects (such as the Quality of the stored image). The Type and ValueType properties curiously both get the same information: the type of the data stored in the parameter (as listed in the EncoderParameterValueType enumeration).

You can also determine the count of the data values in the parameter using the NumberOfValues property.

The values themselves can only be set in the constructor of the parameter. Some of these common values are listed in the EncoderValue enumeration.

public sealed class EncoderParameter : IDisposable {
// Public Constructors
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, byte value);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, byte[ ] value);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, byte[ ] value, bool undefined);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, byte value, bool undefined);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, short value);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, short[ ] value);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, int[  ] numerator, int[ ] denominator);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, int[  ] numerator1, int[ ] denominator1, 
        int[  ] numerator2, int[ ] denominator2);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, int numerator, int demoninator);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, int NumberOfValues, int Type, int Value);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, int numerator1, int demoninator1, 
        int numerator2, int demoninator2);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, long value);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, long[ ] value);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, long[  ] rangebegin, long[ ] rangeend);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, long rangebegin, long rangeend);
   public EncoderParameter(Encoder encoder, string value);
// Public Instance Properties
   public Encoder Encoder{set; get; }
   public int NumberOfValues{get; }
   public EncoderParameterValueType Type{get; }
   public EncoderParameterValueType ValueType{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void Dispose();  // implements IDisposable
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected override void Finalize();  // overrides object

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