ComboBox | marshal by reference, disposable |
System.Windows.Forms ( | class |
This control represents an edit box with a drop-down list—a
standard Win32 combobox. It extends the base
ListControl that supports a variety of list-like
controls. In addition to the standard control facilities, you can set
the DropDownStyle property, which determines
whether the edit box allows you to type into it and whether the list
view is always visible, and set the DropDownWidth
property of the drop-down list. You can set the
IntegralHeight property, which can automatically
adjust the height of the control to ensure that only whole items are
displayed. The MaxDropDownItems property sets the
maximum number of items that will be displayed in the drop-down list
(without scrolling), and the MaxLength property
sets the number of characters allowed in the edit field.
The selected item can be retrieved through the
SelectedItem and SelectedIndex
properties, which should not be confused with the
SelectedText property, which gets the selected
text in the edit field.
You can add and remove objects from the Items
collection to alter the contents of the listbox, and the very useful
members FindString() and
FindStringExact() can help you locate a
particular item in the list. Finally, you can select the text in the
edit field using Select() or SelectAll().
Unfortunately, the implementation of ComboBox in
Version 1.0 of the framework is something of a minor fiasco. The edit
control doesn't support the standard pop-up menus,
and the selection and edit behavior is idiosyncratic to say the least
(especially when hosted on a TabPage). Microsoft
has indicated that this will almost certainly be improved in the next
public class ComboBox : ListControl { // Public Constructors
public ComboBox(); // Public Instance Properties
public override Color BackColor{set; get; } // overrides Control
public override Image BackgroundImage{set; get; } // overrides Control
public DrawMode DrawMode{set; get; }
public ComboBoxStyle DropDownStyle{set; get; }
public int DropDownWidth{set; get; }
public bool DroppedDown{set; get; }
public override bool Focused{get; } // overrides Control
public override Color ForeColor{set; get; } // overrides Control
public bool IntegralHeight{set; get; }
public int ItemHeight{set; get; }
public ObjectCollection Items{get; }
public int MaxDropDownItems{set; get; }
public int MaxLength{set; get; }
public int PreferredHeight{get; }
public override int SelectedIndex{set; get; } // overrides ListControl
public object SelectedItem{set; get; }
public string SelectedText{set; get; }
public int SelectionLength{set; get; }
public int SelectionStart{set; get; }
public bool Sorted{set; get; }
public override string Text{set; get; } // overrides Control
// Protected Instance Properties
protected override CreateParams CreateParams{get; } // overrides Control
protected override Size DefaultSize{get; } // overrides Control
// Public Instance Methods
public void BeginUpdate();
public void EndUpdate();
public int FindString(string s);
public int FindString(string s, int startIndex);
public int FindStringExact(string s);
public int FindStringExact(string s, int startIndex);
public int GetItemHeight(int index);
public void Select(int start, int length);
public void SelectAll();
public override string ToString(); // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component
// Protected Instance Methods
protected virtual void AddItemsCore(object[ ] value);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // overrides Control
protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData); // overrides ListControl
protected override void OnBackColorChanged(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnDataSourceChanged(EventArgs e); // overrides ListControl
protected override void OnDisplayMemberChanged(EventArgs e); // overrides ListControl
protected virtual void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e);
protected virtual void OnDropDown(EventArgs e);
protected virtual void OnDropDownStyleChanged(EventArgs e);
protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnForeColorChanged(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected virtual void OnMeasureItem(MeasureItemEventArgs e);
protected override void OnParentBackColorChanged(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e); // overrides ListControl
protected virtual void OnSelectedItemChanged(EventArgs e);
protected virtual void OnSelectionChangeCommitted(EventArgs e);
protected override void RefreshItem(int index); // overrides ListControl
protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified); // overrides Control
protected override void SetItemCore(int index, object value); // overrides ListControl
protected override void SetItemsCore(System.Collections.IList value); // overrides ListControl
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m); // overrides Control
// Events
public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem;
public event EventHandler DropDown;
public event EventHandler DropDownStyleChanged;
public event MeasureItemEventHandler MeasureItem;
public event PaintEventHandler Paint; // overrides Control
public event EventHandler SelectedIndexChanged;
public event EventHandler SelectionChangeCommitted;
Control(IOleContro, IOleObject,
IOleWindow, IViewObject,
IViewObject2, IPersist,
IWin32Window) ListControl
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