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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เข้าไต้เข้าไฟ " คือ ...

Thai : เข้าไต้เข้าไฟ (k̄hêātị̂k̄hêāfị)
Chinese : 傍晚 (bàngwǎn)

English : at dusk

Example :: at dusk

Chinese : 那个东西出现在傍晚,而那时正是容易出现幻觉的时候。
English : The creature had appeared at dusk, an illusory time of day.

Chinese : 据一位目击者对国家电台所说,星期五傍晚,两辆轻型装甲车掩护着紧随其后的武装警察开向被包围的房子。
English : At dusk Friday, two light armored vehicles drove toward the house, with armed police crouching behind them for cover, an eyewitness told National Radio.

Chinese : 黄昏时候他到卧室里去了。
English : At dusk, he went into his chamber.

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