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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เมื่อตะกี้ " คือ ...

Thai : เมื่อตะกี้ (meụ̄̀xtakī̂)
Chinese : 刚才 (gāngcái)

English : just now
     Simplified Chinese : 刚才,一会儿以前;现在;此刻
     Traditional Chinese : 剛才,一會兒以前;現在;此刻

Example :: just now

Chinese : 兰德尔这个时候应该正在拿周日的报纸。
English : Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper

Chinese : 休想蒙我!你们俩刚才在争执什么呢?
English : Stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes! What were you two fighting about just now?

Chinese : 刚才竟发生这样的事儿,实在是太不合时宜了。
English : It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now.

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