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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ตีฝ่า " คือ ...

Thai : ตีฝ่า (tī f̄̀ā)
Chinese : 突破 (túpò)

English : break through
     Simplified Chinese : 突破, 冲垮
     Traditional Chinese : 突破, 衝垮

Example :: break through

Chinese : 在草本植物中,叶子在黑暗中伸长,穿破包围它们的胚芽鞘而生长。
English : In grasses the leaves elongate in the dark and break through the surrounding coleoptiles.

Chinese : 我知道我们能突破。
English : I know we could break through it.

Chinese : 抗议者们试图冲破警察的封锁线。
English : Protesters tried to break through a police cordon

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