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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เพดาน " คือ ...

Thai : เพดาน (phedān)
Chinese : 天花板 (tiānhuābǎn)

English : ceiling
     Simplified Chinese : 天花板
     Traditional Chinese : 天花板

Example :: ceiling

Chinese : 即使是现在我还能记得天花板和这个寺庙的微小细节,这些与随着时间褪色的夜晚的梦境非常不同。
English : Even now I can recall minute details of the ceiling and the temple This is very different from night dreams that fade in time.

Chinese : 进去后第一间房像是一个厨房,并有着非常老的炉灶设施就是那种通过地板天花板的黑色管子,这是它第一个象征,仿佛有一百来岁。
English : The first room looked like a kitchen, and it had one of those really old stoves, the kind that sits on the ground with a black pipe going through the ceiling.

Chinese : 头向上抬起,头顶与天花板保持平行,并将下颌稍稍向内收拢。
English : Stretch the top of your head toward the ceiling, and tuck your chin in slightly.

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