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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " รับหน้า " คือ ...

Thai : รับหน้า (rạb h̄n̂ā)
Chinese : 欢迎 (huānyíng)

English : confront
     Simplified Chinese : vt. 使面对, 使面临, 使遭遇;比较, 使对照
     Traditional Chinese : vt. 使面對, 使面臨, 使遭遇;比較, 使對照

Example :: confront

Chinese : 挪威国王哈拉尔第一次有机会领导国民团结到一起,集体面对如此大规模的悲痛。
English : King Harald of Norway led this first opportunity for the nation to come together and confront the scale of collective grief.

Chinese : 现在需要做的是,我们齐心协力、勇于面对我们所面临的挑战,并再一次为我们的未来尽应尽的责任。
English : What is required now is for this country to pull together, confront boldly the challenges we face, and take responsibility for our future once more.

Chinese : 我们都太害怕以至于不敢面对事实,因为如果这样做的话,意味着我们会使得支撑我们是谁的那些意义遭遇危险。
English : We are too frightened to confront the facts because doing so means confronting the danger that most of what supports our sense of who we are could disappear.

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