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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " นิตย์ " คือ ...

Thai : นิตย์ (nity̒)
Chinese : 习惯性地 (xíguàn xìng dì)

English : constantly
     Simplified Chinese : adv. 恒定地, 不变地, 经常地, 不断地
     Traditional Chinese : adv. 恆定地, 不變地, 經常地, 不斷地

Example :: constantly

Chinese : 他们不断地争吵,他有了外遇。
English : They quarrel constantly, he has an affair.

Chinese : 它从不同来源收集数据,不断地评估粮食保障的水平,在有粮食短缺危险的情况下发出预警。
English : It collects data from diverse sources to constantly evaluate levels of food security and issue warnings in the event of dangerous food shortages.

Chinese : 这就像一只脚平衡的灵活的运动员:他们不断地调整并重新校准自己,但这些调整在性能的情况下实际上是不明显的。
English : It's like an agile athlete balancing on one foot: They constantly adjust and realign themselves, but these adjustments are virtually unnoticeable in the context of the performance.

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