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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ลูกเรือ " คือ ...

Thai : ลูกเรือ (lūkreụ̄x)
Chinese : 水手 (shuǐshǒu)

English : crew
     Simplified Chinese : 水手们,全体船员
     Traditional Chinese : 水手們,全體船員

Example :: crew

Chinese : 他是剑桥大学划船队的8号划手。
English : He rowed No.8 in the Cambridge crew.

Chinese : 不过,值得怀疑的是船长和船员直到最近关心起乘客的意见来了,他们的乘客通常都是罪犯。
English : However it is doubtful that the Captain and crew cared about the opinions of their passengers as until recently, their passengers were usually convicts.

Chinese : 她工作的船被海盗约翰·雷克汉姆捕获,于是她加入了他的团队
English : Pirate John Rackham captured the ship that she was working on and she joined his crew.

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