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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ราชวงศ์ " คือ ...

Thai : ราชวงศ์ (rāchwngṣ̄̒)
Chinese : 王朝 (wángcháo)

English : dynasty
     Simplified Chinese : n. 朝代;王朝
     Traditional Chinese : n. 朝代;王朝

Example :: dynasty

Chinese : 果不其然,他的后代莫卧尔帝国继续统治大片亚洲次大陆,直到这个帝国的最后一个朝代于1857年被英国废黜。
English : Indeed, his descendants, the Mughal Emperors, continued to rule large swathes of the subcontinent until the last of the dynasty was deposed by the British in 1857.

Chinese : 一个是中国的唐王朝,这个帝国的疆域辽阔,最南到南海,最西到波斯边境,而且所有的港口均向来自世界各地的商人开放。
English : One was Tang dynasty China, an empire stretching from the South China Sea to the borders of Persia, with ports open to foreign traders from far and wide.

Chinese : 曾经,科比也一直被控是鲨鱼离开,湖人王朝终结的最大凶手。 但是,随着时间流逝,事情的发展告诉我们似乎鲨鱼自己也必须承担不少责任。
English : Kobe also received most of the blame for Shaq leaving the Lakers and ending the dynasty, but, as time goes on, it seems like Shaq had as much blame as anyone.

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