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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ผู้ลากมากดี " คือ ...

Thai : ผู้ลากมากดี (p̄hū̂lākmākdī)
Chinese : 原种 (yuán zhǒng)

English : elite
     Simplified Chinese : 原种
     Traditional Chinese : 原種

Example :: elite

Chinese : 我们拥有一支才华出众的管理团队,结合了来自中国和美国的业界精英。
English : We have a talented management team, combined with the United States from China and the industry elite.

Chinese : 作为特工小分队的一员,部队总会派我们去做他们不愿做的事。
English : As a member of an elite army hit squad, the army would send us out to do their dirty work for them.

Chinese : 中国科学院和中国工程院院士是我国人数众多的科技大军中的群星和精英。
English : Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering academicians are the stars and elite of Chinese scientists.

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