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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " โรงเรียนมัธยม " คือ ...

Thai : โรงเรียนมัธยม (rongreīyn mạṭhym)
Chinese : 高中 (gāozhōng)

English : secondary school
     Simplified Chinese : 中学
     Traditional Chinese : 中學

Example :: secondary school

Chinese : 温承诺每个上小学和初中的孩子每天在学校都会有一个小时的锻炼时间。
English : Wen promised that every primary and secondary school child would have one hour of physical exercise every school day.

Chinese : 政府对初级和中级学校都提供免费教育,并对私立学校给予一定的经济支持。
English : The government provides free education at both primary and secondary school levels and provides some financial assistance for private schools.

Chinese : 在美国,现在有更多的学校要求学生在中学毕业前从事社区服务。
English : More schools are requiring students to perform community service before they graduate from secondary school.

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