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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " พระมหาจักรพรรดิ " คือ ...

Thai : พระมหาจักรพรรดิ (phra mh̄ācạkr phr rdi)
Chinese : 皇帝 (huángdì)

English : emperor
     Simplified Chinese : 帝王裁
     Traditional Chinese : 帝王裁

Example :: emperor

Chinese : 触犯了皇帝的老宰相被流放到遥远的边疆。
English : The old chancellor who had offended against the emperor was relegated to the distant boundaries of the country.

Chinese : 他说帝企鹅可以一次性在海里带上数月,上岸只是为了脱毛换羽和休息。 但不知道是什么造成了这只特别的企鹅变得分不清楚方向。
English : He said emperor penguins can spend months at a time in the ocean, coming ashore only to molt or rest, but did not know what might have caused this particular one to become disoriented.

Chinese : 天堂的君主可怜人类,因为他们不停地工作却没有得到足够的东西吃。
English : The Emperor of Heaven pitied mankind because they laboured ceaselessly without getting enough to eat.

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