English : engage Simplified Chinese : (to -) 交战 Traditional Chinese : (to -) 交戰 Example :: engage
Chinese : 但他这位大使的主要任务是吸引孩子们的兴趣,--在纽约图城市图书馆宣布任命他的地方,他已经做的非常好了。 English : But his main job as ambassador will be to engage the children - something he did rather well at the New York City library where his appointment was announced.
Chinese : 加入你头脑中没有可以提取的知识储备的话,你不能很容易的从事讨论或者做出非正式决定。 English : If you have no store of knowledge in your head to draw from, you cannot easily engage in discussions or make informed decisions.
Chinese : 它提供了一个框架,从事人力资源和法律部门在确定一个社会的媒体策略。 English : It provides a framework to engage the human resources and legal departments in defining a social media policy.