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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การสึกกร่อน " คือ ...

Thai : การสึกกร่อน (kār s̄ụk kr̀xn)
Chinese : 摩擦 (mócā)

English : erosion
     Simplified Chinese : 侵蚀
     Traditional Chinese : 侵蝕

Example :: erosion

Chinese : 传统知识体系的腐蚀或丧失将会被所有人感觉到。
English : Any erosion or loss of traditional knowledge systems will be felt by all.

Chinese : 尽管洞窟位于河谷上方的高地,但其中的宝藏还是会遭受来自抢劫者、纪念收藏家的损坏,以及侵蚀、地震和罕见的暴雨的威胁。
English : Despite the caves' perches, high above the river valley, the treasures inside are at risk from looters and souvenir collectors, as well as erosion, earthquakes, and infrequent but torrential rains.

Chinese : 他们忽视了山体被火山灰腐蚀的迹象!
English : They ignored the erosion of the mountain by the volcanic ash!

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