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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เที่ยวบิน " คือ ...

Thai : เที่ยวบิน (theī̀yw bin)
Chinese : 飞行 (fēixíng)

English : flight
     Simplified Chinese : 飞行,飞翔
     Traditional Chinese : 飛行,飛翔

Example :: flight

Chinese : 这个测试的内容是,如果你的航班被取消,你就会困在机场和这个家伙或者那个女孩儿在一起呆三个小时,你会对此事感到多么高兴?
English : Which was if your flight got canceled, and you were stuck in the airport for three hours with this guy or this girl, how happy would you be about that?

Chinese : 在星期二晚,我认识到我的到场,对我和民主党都没有任何明显的意义,所以,在星期三早期,我搭乘了最早的一架班机回芝加哥了。
English : By Tuesday night, I realized that my presence was serving neither me nor the Democratic Party any apparent purpose, and by Wednesday morning I was on the first flight back to Chicago.

Chinese : 当然,羽毛还能辅助飞行——但这也并非绝对,鸵鸟和企鹅虽然也拥有羽毛,但却不会飞行。
English : And of course they aid flight—but not always, as ostriches and penguins, which have feathers but do not fly, demonstrate.

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