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Thai : เปล่งรัศมี (pel̀ng rạṣ̄mī)
Chinese : 闪耀 (shǎnyào)

English : glow
     Simplified Chinese : [vi]. (身体、面容等)发热;发红;容光焕发[n].(皮肤等)红润,容光焕发;电辉,辉光
     Traditional Chinese : [vi]. (身體、面容等)發熱;發紅;容光煥發[n].(皮膚等)紅潤,容光煥發;電輝,輝光

Example :: glow

Chinese : 切伦科夫辐射是用粒子物理学的“标准模型”所预测到的,在现实世界中也观察到了,最经常是从核反应堆的核心处所发射的淡蓝色光芒。
English : Cherenkov radiation is predicted by the "standard model" of particle physics and is also observed in the real world, most often as a faint blue glow emanating from the cores of nuclear reactors.

Chinese : 通常,他们的目标简单而有趣 —让细胞闪烁、发光或发出类似香蕉的气味。
English : Often, their goal is simple fun -- to make cells blink, glow or smell like banana.

Chinese : 天文学家然后测量这个辉光,用它来纠正望远镜的设置以克服大气对遥远图像所造成的模糊效果。
English : Astronomers then measure this glow and use it to correct telescope settings to overcome the blurring effect of the atmosphere on far-off images.

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