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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ใหญ่โตมโหฬาร " คือ ...

Thai : ใหญ่โตมโหฬาร (h̄ıỵ̀ to mh̄oḷār)
Chinese : 巨大 (jùdà)

English : grand
     Simplified Chinese : [adj]. (最)重大的,主要的;盛大的;总的
     Traditional Chinese : [adj]. (最)重大的,主要的;盛大的;總的

Example :: grand

Chinese : 但受中国发展迅速的消费文化和其在文化,历史,政治上形成的与众不同的癖好影响,游客也会为自己制定一个宏大的旅行路线。
English : But the visitors have also marked out a grand tour all of their own, shaped by China’s fast-developing consumer culture and by distinctive quirks of culture, history and politics.

Chinese : 不讲高深的万用理论。
English : No grand theory of everything.

Chinese : 人们举行了盛大的庆祝活动来欢迎她和那些珍宝重回那不勒斯的怀抱, 而且被尊敬地安放在它们的"新"家, 位于山顶的前皇宫里.
English : Much celebrating greeted her return to Naples with the others, and they were honoured with a grand “new” home in the former palace at the top of the hill.

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