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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความผิด " คือ ...

Thai : ความผิด (khwām p̄hid)
Chinese : 故障 (gùzhàng)

English : guilt
     Simplified Chinese : [n].犯罪,有罪;内疚
     Traditional Chinese : [n].犯罪,有罪;內疚

Example :: guilt

Chinese : 它们都曾经是判断诺克斯有罪或清白的证据。
English : It's been proof of either her innocence. Or her guilt.

Chinese : 面对变化,我们必须学会采取符合实际的行动,让任何无用的对于“拥有我们所拥有的”负罪感走开。
English : We must learn to take realistic action towards change and let go of any unproductive guilt for having what we have.

Chinese : 这种控制不但通过内疚、批判、责备、愤怒,还可以通过无能、害怕失去、不安和疾病来实施。
English : This control can be exercised through guilt, criticism, blame, anger, but also by impotence, fear of losing, discomfort and illness.

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