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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อวิชชา " คือ ...

Thai : อวิชชา (xwichchā)
Chinese : 无知 (wúzhī)

English : ignorance
     Simplified Chinese : [n].无知,愚昧;不知
     Traditional Chinese : [n].無知,愚昧;不知

Example :: ignorance

Chinese : 不要不明原委,就妄加评论。
English : Don't make presumptuous comments out of ignorance. Don't make improper comments before you know the whole story.

Chinese : 我问他,他还跟我打佯儿。
English : He feigned ignorance when I asked him about it.

Chinese : 也许是我少见多怪。
English : Maybe it is all due to my own ignorance.

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