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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " คันโยก " คือ ...

Thai : คันโยก (khạn yok)
Chinese : 杠杆 (gànggǎn)

English : lever
     Simplified Chinese : ①杆,杠杆 ②折弯器

Example :: lever

Chinese : 一按控制杆就会翻开的座位
English : seats that flip out at the touch of a lever.

Chinese : 针对曲轴压力机连杆上轴瓦的固定问题,介绍了一种新的固定结构。
English : A new structure for fixing the bearing bush of the connecting lever in a crankshaft press is introduced.

Chinese : 将耙子插入到离根部约6英寸的地方并同时向后扳。
English : Insert the fork about 6in. from the root and simultaneously lever it backwards

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