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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การแข่งรถ " คือ ...

Thai : การแข่งรถ (kār k̄hæ̀ng rt̄h)
Chinese : 赛跑 (sàipǎo)

English : motorsports

Example :: motorsports

Chinese : 首先你必须了解关于我们的全新WRX的的是,我们已经开发的地面高达赢得赛车事件它。
English : The first thing you must understand about our all-new WRX is that we have developed it from the ground up to win in motorsports events.

Chinese : 他说,汽车和摩托车体育协会已经向国家有关部门申请修建赛车场的地皮,得到了积极的回答。
English : He said that the automobile and motorsports Federation had filed application for land required for construction of the racing circuit and got positive response.

Chinese : 除了创纪录地连续七次摘得世界汽车拉力锦标赛(World Rally Championship)这一著名多路况赛事的桂冠外,36岁的勒布还在其它各项赛事中名列前茅。
English : Besides a record seven consecutive titles in the World Rally Championship, racing's preeminent multi-terrain circuit, the36-year-old has excelled in various motorsports.

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