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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กลางแจ้ง " คือ ...

Thai : กลางแจ้ง (klāngcæ̂ng)
Chinese : 在户外 (zài hùwài)

English : outdoor
     Simplified Chinese : [adj]. 户外的,室外的
     Traditional Chinese : [adj]. 戶外的,室外的

Example :: outdoor

Chinese : 演出一般都是露天的,有时候甚至没有扩音装置,所以我必须学会在各种条件下让声音传到观众耳朵里。
English : Often they were outdoor shows, sometimes with no PA system at all, so I really had to learn how to project to be heard.

Chinese : 2003年,龚琳娜出现在荷兰一个户外的音乐节上,这是她第一次出国演出。
English : In 2003, Gong gave her first performance abroad in an outdoor music festival in the Netherlands.

Chinese : 像所有喜爱户外的人一样,我们充满热情地住在当季里,不管是哪个季节,尽管我们也很喜欢预测下个季节。
English : Like all outdoor-minded people, we inhabit the current season, whichever it is, with passion, though we also take great pleasure in anticipating the next one as well.

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