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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ขุมขน " คือ ...

Thai : ขุมขน (k̄hum k̄hn)
Chinese : 孔 (kǒng)

English : pore
     Simplified Chinese : 孔,细孔,微孔
     Traditional Chinese : 孔,細孔,微孔

Example :: pore

Chinese : 我们将动用资源去培养本地人才,但是也必须引进外来人才和劳工,以加强新加坡团队的实力。
English : We will develop and invest in our people, but we also need to reinforce the Singa pore team with talent and numbers from abroad.

Chinese : 当然,如果你真的迷恋时尚,想要了解男人穿高跟鞋的历史,你不必长时间翻阅布满灰尘的图书馆书籍,直到找到关于男性和高跟鞋的叙述。
English : Of course, if you’re really into fashion and decide to do some research, you won’t have to pore over dusty library books for long before you find mention of men and heels.

Chinese : 现在我们获得了第一个离子通道的分子结构,提供了对三维结构离子通道孔的了解。
English : We now have obtained the first molecular structure of an ion channel, providing us with a three-dimensional understanding of the ion channel pore.

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