Thai : สิ่งต้องห้าม (S̄ìng t̂xng h̄̂ām) Chinese : 忌讳 (Jìhuì)
English : prohibition Simplified Chinese : [n].禁止 Traditional Chinese : [n].禁止 Example :: prohibition
Chinese : 我却记得我在研讨会上争论了有追溯效力的合法禁令问题。 English : I do remember that we argued the prohibition of retroactive justice in the seminar.
Chinese : 1933年禁酒期结束后,大多数州都将“合法饮酒年龄”——你可以在公共场合购买或持有酒类饮料的最低年龄——定为21岁。 English : When Prohibition ended in 1933, the "drinking age"--the age at which one could legally buy and possess alcohol in public--was set at 21 in most states.
Chinese : 艺术家的出走造成利奥三世有所松口,他容许了教会的墙壁上的绘画人物的存在,但继续禁止雕塑的出现。 English : This artistic diaspora caused Leo to relent somewhat and he allowed painted figures on the walls of eastern churches but continued the prohibition of sculpture.