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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อู่ซ่อมรถ " คือ ...

Thai : อู่ซ่อมรถ (xū̀ s̀xm rt̄h)
Chinese : 车库 (chēkù)

English : garage
     Simplified Chinese : 车房
     Traditional Chinese : 車房

Example :: garage

Chinese : 汽车修理厂的人说要给我的汽车电瓶充电。
English : The man in the garage said he would charge up my car battery.

Chinese : “车在车库里吗?”——“不,还在外面。”
English : 'Was the car inside the garage?' — 'No, it was still outside.'

Chinese : 南希把车开到当地的汽车修理厂检修。
English : Nancy took her car to a local garage for a check-up

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