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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ร้อยกรอง " คือ ...

Thai : ร้อยกรอง (r̂xykrxng)
Chinese : 诗 (shī)

English : revise
     Simplified Chinese : 修改,校正,修订
     Traditional Chinese : 修改,校正,修訂

Example :: revise

Chinese : 开发团队已采取措施,针对当前版本而迁移到混合团队结构,他们将在流程中进行审查和修订,并将积累的经验教训应用到下一个版本。
English : The development team has taken steps to move to a mixed-team structure for the current release, and they will review and revise the process as they go, applying lessons learned to the next release.

Chinese : 一位在椭圆形办公室的宪政主义者会想要修订那些规章制度,使飞行员尽可能容易地得到在他们自己飞机上携带枪支的许可。
English : A constitutionalist in the Oval Office would want to revise those regulations to make it as easy as possible for pilots to get approval to carry firearms on their planes.

Chinese : 他说:“我们修改了计划,几乎每天都在对计划进行改进和完善。”
English : “We revise it, improve it and refine related plans almost every day, ” he said.

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