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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เปื่อยเน่า " คือ ...

Thai : เปื่อยเน่า (peụ̄̀xy nèā)
Chinese : 溃烂 (kuìlàn)

English : rot
     Simplified Chinese : 腐败;肝吸虫病
     Traditional Chinese : 腐敗;肝吸蟲病

Example :: rot

Chinese : 这一愿景应该会驱使我,更加努力的工作,更少的发牢骚,不断润色我的简历然后用来招摇过市,这样我就能成为那些最终逃离耗子,腐烂,和愤怒的众多幸运儿中的一员。
English : This prospect is supposed to make me want to work harder, complain less and polish my CV to parade gloss, so that I can be one of the lucky ones who gets to escape the rats and the rot and the rage.

Chinese : 它不可能打击高层腐败:这将令其同穷国陷入对立,而这些国家不仅跻身董事会,也占了其顾户的大多数。
English : It cannot attack the rot at the top: that would antagonise poor countries who sit on its board and account for most of its custom.

Chinese : 桃树下部的树枝由于腐朽而开始往下掉。
English : The lower branches of the peach tree began to rot off.

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