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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " สกี " คือ ...

Thai : สกี (s̄kī)
Chinese : 滑雪 (huáxuě)

English : ski
     Simplified Chinese : 滑水板;雪橇
     Traditional Chinese : 滑水板;雪橇

Example :: ski

Chinese : 他当时戴着滑雪面罩和手套,身上有一支枪。
English : He was wearing ski mask and gloves and had a gun.

Chinese : 我能像别人那样使用同样的 滑雪缆车 。
English : I could use the same ski lift as everybody else.

Chinese : 我开始收集一切看得见的壁纸纸边,希望使这张桌子变得不再像滑雪小屋和蒸汽浴室里面的物件。
English : Hoping to rid the table of all references to ski chalets and saunas, I started collecting offcuts of wallpapers whenever they caught my eye.

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