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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " คนจร " คือ ...

Thai : คนจร (Khncr)
Chinese : 陌生人 (Mòshēng rén)

English : stranger
     Simplified Chinese : [n].陌生人;新来者;外行;不习惯于…的人(to)
     Traditional Chinese : [n].陌生人;新來者;外行;不習慣于…的人(to)

Example :: stranger

Chinese : 他们把这个陌生人从房间里撵了出去。
English : They chucked the stranger out of the room.

Chinese : 但是还有其他要操心的事,因为说到底,付家要引入一个外人,一个完全陌生的人跟他们在一个屋檐下生活,而这可能带来潜在的麻烦。
English : There were still other concerns, however. The Fus, after all, would be bringing an outsider, a total stranger, into their household, and with her would come the potential for trouble.

Chinese : 我想知道他为什么会为一个陌生人冒生命危险。
English : I wonder why he risked his life for a stranger.

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