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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อาทิ " คือ ...

Thai : อาทิ (xāthi)
Chinese : 比如 (bǐrú)

English : such as
     Simplified Chinese : 像…这种的,诸如…之类的,例如
     Traditional Chinese : 像…這種的,諸如…之類的,例如

Example :: such as

Chinese : 诸如单边裁军之类不得人心的政策已被废除了。
English : Unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament were ditched.

Chinese : 医疗和社会保障之类的大型项目是由政府支付。
English : Big things, such as hospitals and social security, are paid for by the Government

Chinese : 你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”。
English : You have to type in commands, such as 'help' and 'print'

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