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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ว่ายน้ำ " คือ ...

Thai : ว่ายน้ำ (ẁāy n̂ả)
Chinese : 游泳 (yóuyǒng)

English : swim
     Simplified Chinese : ①游,游泳 ②漂浮

Example :: swim

Chinese : 鱼在水里游来游去。
English : The fish swim about in the water.

Chinese : 政府并不想迫使效率低的公司过快地自生自灭。
English : The government doesn't want to force inefficient firms to sink or swim too quickly

Chinese : 这些障碍物对于想要往上游游动的鱼儿来说是致命的。
English : The barriers are lethal to fish trying to swim upstream.

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