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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เส้นเอ็น " คือ ...

Thai : เส้นเอ็น (s̄ên xĕn)
Chinese : 肌腱 (jījiàn)

English : tendon
     Simplified Chinese : 腱
     Traditional Chinese : 腱

Example :: tendon

Chinese : 如果双腿伸直的前屈会引起坐骨下方疼痛,你可能已经拉伤了上层腘绳肌肌腱。
English : If bending forward with straight legs causes pain below one sitting bone, you may have injured your hamstring tendon.

Chinese : 几个月后他在打篮球的时候脚跟腱断裂,不能做看门人的工作了。
English : Months later, he ruptured his Achilles tendon playing basketball, hindering his work as a janitor.

Chinese : 有些肌肉不与骨骼直接相连,而是连着附在骨骼上的不能收缩的带状组织或腱上。
English : Sometimes the muscle is not attached directly to the bone but to a tough, nonstretchable cord, or tendon, that is attached to the bone.

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