14.7 ContinueUpdateOnError
ContinueUpdateOnError property controls whether an
Update( ) continues with remaining rows or stops
processing if an error is encountered during the updating. If
ContinueUpdateOnError is true,
and an error is encountered during the update, an exception
isn't raised, the RowError
property of the DataRow causing the error is set
to the error message that would have been raised, and the update
continues processing the remaining rows. A well-designed application
uses the RowError information to present the user
with a list of the failed and possibly the current values in the data
source for those rows. It also provides a mechanism to correct and
resubmit the failed attempts, if required.
If ContinueUpdateOnError is
false, the DataAdapter raises a
DBConcurrencyException when a row update attempt
fails. Generally, ContinueUpdateOnError is set to
false when the changes made to the
DataSet are part of a transaction and must be
either completely applied to the data source or not applied at all.
The exception handler rolls back the transaction.