27.3 Collections Reference
DataColumn[] cols = DataRelation.ChildColumns;
This returns an array with all the child
DataColumn objects for this relationship. Usually,
this is a single column from the child DataTable.
However, if they are all a part of the same relationship, you can
relate multiple columns using one of the overloaded
DataRelation constructors.
The following code snippet retrieves the first child
DataColumn and displays its name:
DataColumn col = dr.ChildColumns[0];
Console.WriteLine("The linked column child is: " + col.ColumnName);
PropertyCollection props = DataRelation.ExtendedProperties;
Contains a PropertyCollection that can store any
amount of miscellaneous information about the
DataRelation. For example, you can store
information about the parent and child columns or how the
relationship should be validated according to custom validation
functions you may have created. The information in the
ExtendedProperties collection is for use by your
code only; it isn't used by the .NET framework
(although any strings you add to the
PropertyCollection are retained in serialized
DataSet XML.
The ProperyCollection is a name/value dictionary
that derives from the Hashtable class. Most
disconnected data objects provide an
ExtendedProperties collection, including the
DataSet, DataColumn,
DataTable, and Constraint
The following code snippet stores the data type of the child
DataColumn in the
// Determine the data type for the linked column.
Type dataType = dr.ChildColumns[0].DataType;
// Store it in the extended properties for future reference.
dr.ExtendedProperties["ColumnDataType"] = dataType.ToString();
Items in the PropertyCollection must be strings if
you want them to persist when the DataSet is
written to XML.
DataColumn[] cols = DataRelation.ParentColumns;
This returns an array with all the parent
DataColumn objects for this relationship.
Typically, this is a single column from the parent
DataTable. However, if they are all a part of the
same relationship, you can relate multiple columns using one of the
overloaded DataRelation constructors.
The following code snippet retrieves the first parent
DataColumn and displays its name:
DataColumn col = dr.ParentColumns[0];
Console.WriteLine("The linked column parent is: " + col.ColumnName);