23.1 Comments/Troubleshooting
DataTable class provides a consistent programming
model regardless of the actual data source. The
DataTable contains DataColumn
and Constraint objects that define the schema of
the data represented. The actual data is stored as a collection of
DataRows within the DataTable.
The schema of the DataTable can be created
entirely programmatically, retrieved as the result of a query against
a data source using a .NET managed data provider or loaded from an
XML document or stream through the DataSet the
DataTable belongs to.
The data in the DataTable can be populated from
the data source, modified, and later reconciled back to a data source
using a DataAdapter. Alternatively, the data can
be populated from XML documents or streams, modified, and saved as an
XML document or stream through the DataSet the
DataTable belongs to. Finally, the data stored in
the DataTable can be manipulated programmatically.
There are similarities between the DataTable and
the DataReader in that they both can store the
results of a query, which can then be accessed through row and column
objects. The primary difference is that the
DataTable is a disconnected class that places
little restriction on how the data within it is accessed and allows
that data to be filtered, sorted, and modified; the
DataReader is a connected class that provides
little functionality beyond forward-only, read-only access to the
result set, one row at a time.
The commonly used public properties of the
DataTable class are listed in Table 23-1.
Table 23-1. DataTable properties
Gets or sets a value indicating whether string comparisons within the
table are treated as case-sensitive.
Gets a reference to the DataSet the table belongs
Gets the default DataView that is associated with
the table.
Gets or sets the expression that represents the table in the user
Gets a value that indicates whether there are errors in any rows of
the table.
Gets or sets locale information that's used to
compare strings stored in the table..
Gets or sets the initial number of rows of the table.
Gets or sets the XML namespace for the XML representation of the data
stored in the table.
Gets or sets the XML prefix that aliases the namespace of the table.
Gets or sets the name of the table.
The commonly used public collections of the
DataTable class are listed in Table 23-2.
Table 23-2. DataTable collections
Accesses the DataRelationCollection that contains
the child relations for the table as a collection of
DataRelation objects.
Accesses the DataColumnCollection that contains
the columns for the table as a collection of
DataColumn objects.
Accesses the ConstraintCollection that contains
the constraints for the table as a collection of
Constraint objects.
Accesses the PropertyCollection that contains the
extended properties for the table as a collection of key-and-value
Accesses the DataRelationCollection that contains
the parent relations for the table as a collection of
DataRelation objects.
Accesses the array of DataColumn objects that make
up the primary key of the table.
Accesses the DataRowCollection that contains the
rows of data in the table as a collection of
DataRow objects.
The commonly used public methods of the DataTable
class are listed in Table 23-3.
Table 23-3. DataTable methods
AcceptChanges( )
Commits all changes made to the table since the last time it was
loaded or since the last time changes were committed.
BeginLoadData( )
Turns off constraints, notifications, and index maintenance while
loading data.
Clear( )
Removes all data rows from the table.
Clone( )
Creates a new table with the same schema as the original but contains
none of the data.
Compute( )
Returns the result of an aggregate expression on a subset of rows
meeting the filter criteria.
Copy( )
Creates a new table with the same schema and data as the original.
EndLoadData( )
Turns on constraints, notifications, and index maintenance after
loading data.
GetChanges( )
Gets a copy of the changes made to a table since the last time it was
loaded or since the last time changes were committed.
GetErrors( )
Gets an array of rows that contain errors.
ImportRow( )
Copies a specified row into the table.
LoadDataRow( )
Finds a row in the table and updates the values with the supplied
array, or if the row isn't found, adds a new row to
the table.
NewRow( )
Returns a new row with the same schema as the table.
RejectChanges( )
Rejects all changes made to the table since the last time it was
loaded or the last time changes were committed.
Reset( )
Discards the contents of the table, resetting it to an uninitialized
Select( )
Returns an array of rows matching optionally specified filter and
DataRowViewState criteria, optionally sorted
according to specified criteria.
The commonly used public events of the DataTable
class are listed in Table 23-4.
Table 23-4. DataTable events
Raised when a value has been changed for a column in a row.
Raised when a value is being changed for a column in a row.
Raised after a row has been successfully changed.
Raised when a row is about to be changed.
Raised after a row has been deleted from the table.
Raised when a row is about to be deleted from the table.
The DataTable class is contained within the
System.Data namespace. The
DataTable class inherits from
MarshalByValueComponent and implements the
ISupportInitialize, and
ISerializable interfaces. It is safe for
multithreaded read operations; multithreaded write operations must be
synchronized. DataTable objects can be passed
between different application domains.