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System.Data ( class

Provides an argument containing data for the DataTable.ColumnChanging event. This information includes the affected DataRow (Row ), and the DataColumn that is changing (Column ), and the new value (ProposedValue ).

public class DataColumnChangeEventArgs : EventArgs {
// Public Constructors
   public DataColumnChangeEventArgs(DataRow row, DataColumn column, object value);
// Public Instance Properties
   public DataColumn Column{get; } 
   public object ProposedValue{set; get; } 
   public DataRow Row{get; } 


System.Object figs/U2192.gif System.EventArgs figs/U2192.gif DataColumnChangeEventArgs

Passed To

DataColumnChangeEventHandler.{BeginInvoke( ) , Invoke( )} , DataTable.{OnColumnChanged( ) , OnColumnChanging( )}

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