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System.Data ( class

This class provides extra information for four DataTable events: DataTable.RowChanging , DataTable.RowChanged , DataTable.RowDeleting , and DataTable.RowDeleted . This information consists of the affected DataRow (Row ) and the action that occurred on the row (Action ).

public class DataRowChangeEventArgs : EventArgs {
// Public Constructors
   public DataRowChangeEventArgs(DataRow row, DataRowAction action);
// Public Instance Properties
   public DataRowAction Action{get; } 
   public DataRow Row{get; } 


System.Object figs/U2192.gif System.EventArgs figs/U2192.gif DataRowChangeEventArgs

Passed To

DataRowChangeEventHandler.{BeginInvoke( ) , Invoke( )} , DataTable.{OnRowChanged( ) , OnRowChanging( ) , OnRowDeleted( ) , OnRowDeleting( )}

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