This interface represents a data adapter that bridges a data source
and a DataSet or Data-Table
object. Every ADO.NET provider defines its own provider-specific
class that implements this interface (such as
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter ). Data
adapters play two roles: they transfer data from the data source to
the DataSet when you invoke Fill(
) , and they apply all DataSet or
DataTable changes to a data source when you
invoke Update( ) . In addition, you can use the
FillSchema( ) method before you use the
Fill( ) method to configure schema information
such as column names, data types, and primary key information. The
TableMappings property accesses the collection of
ITableMapping objects that map data source tables
to DataTable objects in the
DataSet . You can use the
MissingSchemaAction property to indicate what
action should be taken if you use Fill( ) on a
DataSet that doesn't contain the
relevant schema information (by default, the data adapter will add
the required DataColumn objects with primary key
information). You can also use the
MissingMappingAction to configure what will happen
if a table is inserted without a matching
ITableMapping existing in the
TableMappings collection (by default, the table
name from the data source is used for the DataSet
public interface IDataAdapter {
// Public Instance Properties
public MissingMappingAction MissingMappingAction{set; get; }
public MissingSchemaAction MissingSchemaAction{set; get; }
public ITableMappingCollection TableMappings{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public int Fill( DataSet dataSet);
public DataTable[ ] FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType);
public IDataParameter[ ] GetFillParameters( );
public int Update( DataSet dataSet);