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DataTableMappingCollection marshal by reference

System.Data.Common ( sealed class

This class contains a collection of DataTableMapping objects for the collection exposed by the DataAdapter.TableMappings property. You can access DataTableMapping by index or data source table name using the indexer. You can also use the GetByDataSetTable( ) to retrieve a DataTableMapping using the System.Data.DataSet name.

public sealed class DataTableMappingCollection : MarshalByRefObject , System.Data.ITableMappingCollection, IList,
        ICollection, IEnumerable {
// Public Constructors
   public DataTableMappingCollection(  );  
// Public Instance Properties
   public int Count{get; }                         // implements ICollection
   public DataTableMapping this[string sourceTable]{set; get; } 
   public DataTableMapping this[int index]{set; get; } 
// Public Static Methods
   public static DataTableMapping GetTableMappingBySchemaAction(DataTableMappingCollection tableMappings,
        string sourceTable, string dataSetTable, System.Data.MissingMappingAction mappingAction);
// Public Instance Methods
   public DataTableMapping Add(string sourceTable, string dataSetTable);
   public int Add( object value);            // implements IList
   public void AddRange( DataTableMapping[  ] values);  
   public void Clear(  );                        // implements IList
   public bool Contains( object value);             // implements IList
   public bool Contains( string value);      // implements System.Data.ITableMappingCollection
   public void CopyTo( Array array, int index);                // implements ICollection
   public DataTableMapping GetByDataSetTable(
        string dataSetTable);  
   public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(  );           // implements IEnumerable
   public int IndexOf( object value);            // implements IList
   public int IndexOf( string sourceTable);                 // implements System.Data.ITableMappingCollection
   public int IndexOfDataSetTable( string dataSetTable);  
   public void Insert( int index, object value);            // implements IList
   public void Remove( object value);                // implements IList
   public void RemoveAt( int index);                  // implements IList
   public void RemoveAt( string sourceTable);         // implements System.Data.ITableMappingCollection


System.Object figs/U2192.gif System.MarshalByRefObject figs/U2192.gif DataTableMappingCollection(System.Data.ITableMappingCollection, System.Collections.IList , System.Collections.ICollection , System.Collections.IEnumerable)

Returned By

DataAdapter.{CreateTableMappings( ) , TableMappings}

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