This exception represents a data source error. For example, if you
attempt to execute a SQL statement that is syntactically incorrect or
try to open a connection to a database server that
can't be found, this exception is thrown. Every
SqlException contains at least one
SqlError , identifying the problem, in the
SqlErrorCollection object. Errors that happen
while disconnected from the data source (such as violating a
System.Data.DataSet constraint or attempting to
access a deleted row) result in a more specific exception from the
System.Data namespace.
public sealed class SqlException : SystemException {
// Public Instance Properties
public byte Class{get; }
public SqlErrorCollection Errors{get; }
public int LineNumber{get; }
public override string Message{get; } // overrides Exception
public int Number{get; }
public string Procedure{get; }
public string Server{get; }
public override string Source{get; } // overrides Exception
public byte State{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo si,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context); // overrides Exception