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SqlTransaction marshal by reference, disposable

System.Data.SqlClient ( sealed class

This class encapsulates a client-initiated database transaction. You can start a transaction, provided you have an open connection, by calling the SqlConnection.BeginTransaction( ) method, which returns a SqlTransaction object. The SqlTransaction class implements the System.Data.IDbTransaction interface, and its members are described in that section of the reference.

You can also use the Save( ) method to create a savepoint, which is similar to a nested transaction. (This method is equivalent to Transact-SQL SAVE TRANSACTION statement.) You must supply a string that names the savepoint. You can then roll back the transaction to an intermediate point using the overloaded version of the Rollback( ) method that accepts the savepoint name. Savepoints are useful when you want to be able to roll back part of the transaction without canceling the entire transaction.

public sealed class SqlTransaction : MarshalByRefObject , System.Data.IDbTransaction, IDisposable {
// Public Instance Properties
   public SqlConnection Connection{get; } 
   public IsolationLevel IsolationLevel{get; }                 // implements System.Data.IDbTransaction
// Public Instance Methods
   public void Commit(  );                                       // implements System.Data.IDbTransaction
   public void Dispose(  );                                      // implements IDisposable
   public void Rollback(  );                                     // implements System.Data.IDbTransaction
   public void Rollback( string transactionName);  
   public void Save( string savePointName);  


System.Object figs/U2192.gif System.MarshalByRefObject figs/U2192.gif SqlTransaction(System.Data.IDbTransaction, System.IDisposable)

Returned By

SqlCommand.Transaction , SqlConnection.BeginTransaction( )

Passed To

SqlCommand.{SqlCommand( ) , Transaction}

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