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OleDbParameter marshal by reference

System.Data.OleDb ( sealed class

This class represents a parameter for a stored procedure or parameterized query. For information about the basic OleDbParameter members, refer to the reference for the System.Data.IDbDataParameter and System.Data.IDataParameter interfaces, which OleDbParameter implements.

In addition, the OleDbParameter class adds a new property: OleDbType . This property sets the OLE DB data type of a parameter. You should always set this value (explicitly, or through one of the constructors) rather than the more general DbType . When you set OleDbType , DbType is updated automatically with the most compatible System.Data.DbType value.

public sealed class OleDbParameter : MarshalByRefObject , System.Data.IDbDataParameter, System.Data.IDataParameter,
        ICloneable {
// Public Constructors
   public OleDbParameter(  );  
   public OleDbParameter( string name, object value);  
   public OleDbParameter( string name, OleDbType dataType);  
   public OleDbParameter(string name, OleDbType dataType, int size);
   public OleDbParameter(string parameterName, OleDbType dbType, int size, System.Data.ParameterDirection direction,
        bool isNullable, byte precision, byte scale, string srcColumn, System.Data.DataRowVersion srcVersion, object value);
   public OleDbParameter(string name, OleDbType dataType, int size, string srcColumn); 
// Public Instance Properties
   public DbType DbType{set; get; }                            // implements System.Data.IDataParameter
   public ParameterDirection Direction{set; get; }             // implements System.Data.IDataParameter
   public bool IsNullable{set; get; }                          // implements System.Data.IDataParameter
   public OleDbType OleDbType{set; get; } 
   public string ParameterName{set; get; }                     // implements System.Data.IDataParameter
   public byte Precision{set; get; }                           // implements System.Data.IDbDataParameter
   public byte Scale{set; get; }                               // implements System.Data.IDbDataParameter
   public int Size{set; get; }                                 // implements System.Data.IDbDataParameter
   public string SourceColumn{set; get; }                      // implements System.Data.IDataParameter
   public DataRowVersion SourceVersion{set; get; }             // implements System.Data.IDataParameter
   public object Value{set; get; }                             // implements System.Data.IDataParameter
// Public Instance Methods
   public override string ToString(  );                          // overrides object


System.Object figs/U2192.gif System.MarshalByRefObject figs/U2192.gif OleDbParameter(System.Data.IDbDataParameter, System.Data.IDataParameter , System.ICloneable)

Returned By

OleDbCommand.CreateParameter( ) , OleDbParameterCollection.this

Passed To

OleDbParameterCollection.{Add( ) , this}

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