Part II: Intrinsic Class Reference
This section devotes a chapter to each of the following major classes
that are available as part of the ASP.NET object model:
- Page
- HttpApplication and HttpApplicatonState
- HttpContext
- HttpException
- HttpRequest
- HttpResponse
- HttpServerUtility
- HttpSessionState
Each chapter adheres to a standardized format that includes the
following elements:
An introduction, which provides a background on the class and how it
is used in an ASP.NET application. A list of the class members (properties, collections, methods, and
events) documented in the chapter. A Comments/Troubleshooting section that provides helpful tips on
using the class or discusses pitfalls commonly encountered when
working with the class. Detailed documentation on class properties, with a separate entry
devoted to each property. Detailed documentation on collections returned by properties of the
class, if the class has any, with a separate entry devoted to each
collection. Detailed documentation on class methods, with a separate entry
devoted to each method Detailed documentation on events raised by the class, if the class
exposes any, with a separate entry devoted to each event.
In addition, Chapter 20 documents configuration
settings that can be found in either
machine.config or