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System.Web.Security (system.web.dll)sealed class

This class is a custom System.EventArgs object that is used in the event handler for the PassportAuthenticationModule.Authenticate event. It provides three properties: Context, which provides a reference to the current System.Web.HttpContext; User, which will be a null reference and Identity, which will contain the information received from Passport as a PassportIdentity object.

You can implement a custom authentication scheme and set the User value programmatically to the appropriate user identity. If you do not set it to a non-null value, the PassportAuthenticationModule will create a System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal object based on the information supplied in the PassportIdentity object and assign it to the System.Web.HttpContext.User property.

public sealed class PassportAuthenticationEventArgs : EventArgs {
// Public Constructors
   public PassportAuthenticationEventArgs(PassportIdentity identity, System.Web.HttpContext context);
// Public Instance Properties
   public HttpContext Context{get; }
   public PassportIdentity Identity{get; }
   public IPrincipal User{set; get; }


System.Object System.EventArgs PassportAuthenticationEventArgs

Passed To

PassportAuthenticationEventHandler.{BeginInvoke( ), Invoke( )}

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