This class is a custom System.EventArgs that is
used in the event handler for the
WindowsAuthenticationModule.Authenticate event. It
provides three properties: Context, which provides
a reference to the current System.Web.HttpContext;
User, which will be a null reference and
Identity, which will contain the information
received from IIS. You can implement a custom authentication scheme
and set the User property programmatically to the
appropriate user identity. If you don't set it to a
non-null value, the WindowsAuthenticationModule
creates a
System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal object
based on the information supplied by IIS and assign it to the
System.Web.HttpContext.User property.
The easiest way to set a default identity for impersonation is by
using the settings in the web.config file. You
should use this event only if you need to implement a custom
authentication scheme.
public sealed class WindowsAuthenticationEventArgs : EventArgs {
// Public Constructors
public WindowsAuthenticationEventArgs(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity identity,
System.Web.HttpContext context);
// Public Instance Properties
public HttpContext Context{get; }
public WindowsIdentity Identity{get; }
public IPrincipal User{set; get; }