This class allows you to take advantage of features enabled in the
client's browser. It is automatically available
through the Browser property of the built-in
Request object and corresponds roughly to the
MSWC.BrowserCapabilities component that existed in
ASP. You can use this class to write browser-specific code for a web
page or a custom web page control.
Essentially, the HttpBrowserCapabilities class is
a list of properties that describe the client's
browser. Many properties return True or
False, depending on whether a given capability is
enabled in the browser, such as ActiveXControls,
BackgroundSounds, CDF (the
channel definition format used in webcasting),
Cookies, Frames,
JavaApplets, JavaScript, and
VBScript. Other Boolean values tell you whether or
not the browser is AOL-based, a beta, and running on the Win16 or
Win32 platform (the AOL, Beta,
Win16, and Win32 properties,
respectively). Additionally, you can retrieve information such as
version number (MajorVersion and
MinorVersion), the Platform
name (e.g., "Win32"), the browser
Type (e.g., "Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5"), and the full
Version number as a string.
public class HttpBrowserCapabilities : System.Web.Configuration.HttpCapabilitiesBase {
// Public Constructors
public HttpBrowserCapabilities( );
// Public Instance Properties
public bool ActiveXControls{get; }
public bool AOL{get; }
public bool BackgroundSounds{get; }
public bool Beta{get; }
public string Browser{get; }
public bool CDF{get; }
public Version ClrVersion{get; }
public bool Cookies{get; }
public bool Crawler{get; }
public Version EcmaScriptVersion{get; }
public bool Frames{get; }
public bool JavaApplets{get; }
public bool JavaScript{get; }
public int MajorVersion{get; }
public double MinorVersion{get; }
public Version MSDomVersion{get; }
public string Platform{get; }
public bool Tables{get; }
public Type TagWriter{get; }
public string Type{get; }
public bool VBScript{get; }
public string Version{get; }
public Version W3CDomVersion{get; }
public bool Win16{get; }
public bool Win32{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public Version[ ] GetClrVersions( );