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System.Web (system.web.dll)sealed class

This class provides helper methods and is available through the built-in Server object. It provides the useful UrlEncode( ) method, which converts a string into a form suitable for use as a query string variable, and the HtmlEncode( ) method, which converts nonlegal HTML characters in a string into the equivalent HTML entity (i.e., "<" is converted to &lt;) so they can be displayed on a page. Some ASP.NET web controls (like buttons) do not require this conversion, but label controls do. You may need to use the HtmlEncode( ) method manually if you bind a field with URL information from a database. It also always a good idea to use HtmlEncode( ) before displaying user-supplied content to prevent possible script injection attacks.

The HttpServerUtility class provides the MapPath( ) method, which takes a string representing a virtual path and returns the real (physical) path (for example, it could convert "/myapp/index.html" to "E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\myapp\index.html"). It also provides a CreateObject( ) method for instantiating a COM object by using its ProgID (i.e., objInfo=Server.CreateObject ("MSWC.MyInfo");) and the two flow control methods Execute( ) and Transfer( ). The Execute( ) method, which runs the script in a separate ASP.NET page and then returns control to the current page, is rarely used in class-based ASP.NET programming. The Transfer( ) method halts the execution of the current page and transfers execution to the specified page. It is similar to the HttpResponse.Redirect( ) method, but does not require a roundtrip to the client and back and cannot transfer execution to a page on another server (or from an ASP.NET page to an ASP page).

public sealed class HttpServerUtility {
// Public Instance Properties
   public string MachineName{get; }
   public int ScriptTimeout{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void ClearError( );
   public object CreateObject(string progID);
   public object CreateObject(Type type);
   public object CreateObjectFromClsid(string clsid);
   public void Execute(string path);
   public void Execute(string path, System.IO.TextWriter writer);
   public Exception GetLastError( );
   public string HtmlDecode(string s);
   public void HtmlDecode(string s, System.IO.TextWriter output);
   public string HtmlEncode(string s);
   public void HtmlEncode(string s, System.IO.TextWriter output);
   public string MapPath(string path);
   public void Transfer(string path);
   public void Transfer(string path, bool preserveForm);
   public string UrlDecode(string s);
   public void UrlDecode(string s, System.IO.TextWriter output);
   public string UrlEncode(string s);
   public void UrlEncode(string s, System.IO.TextWriter output);
   public string UrlPathEncode(string s);

Returned By

HttpApplication.Server, HttpContext.Server, System.Web.Services.WebService.Server, System.Web.UI.Page.Server, System.Web.UI.UserControl.Server

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